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Custom models

Adding custom models in Sample Factory is simple, but if you get stuck feel free to raise an issue on our GitHub Page.

Actor Critic models in Sample Factory

Actor Critic models in Sample Factory are composed of three components:

  • Encoder - Process input observations (images, vectors) and map them to a vector. This is the part of the model you will most likely want to customize.
  • Core - Intergrate vectors from one or more encoders, can optionally include a single- or multi-layer LSTM/GRU in a memory-based agent.
  • Decoder - Apply additional layers to the output of the model core before computing the policy and value outputs.

Regardless of the component customization, you can use your resulting model in "shared weights" or "separate weights" regime (either sharing or not sharing the weights between the policy and value networks). This is controlled by the --actor_critic_share_weights=[True|False] command line argument.

On top of that, you can register an entire custom Actor Critic model. This can be useful for more complex models, for example centralized critic for multi-agent envs, asymmetric actor-critic where critic observes more information, which can be useful in sim-to-real, and so on.

Custom model template

The following template demonstrates how different components of the model can be customized. Feel free to combine this with the custom environment template above to create a fully custom environment & model combination.

from sample_factory.model.encoder import Encoder
from sample_factory.model.decoder import Decoder
from sample_factory.model.core import ModelCore
from sample_factory.model.actor_critic import ActorCritic
from sample_factory.algo.utils.context import global_model_factory

class CustomEncoder(Encoder):
    def __init__(self, cfg: Config, obs_space: ObsSpace):
        # build custom encoder architecture

    def forward(self, obs_dict):
        # custom forward logic

class CustomCore(ModelCore):
    def __init__(self, cfg: Config, input_size: int):
        # build custom core architecture

    def forward(self, head_output, rnn_states):
        # custom forward logic

class CustomDecoder(Decoder):
    def __init__(self, cfg: Config, decoder_input_size: int):
        # build custom decoder architecture

    def forward(self, core_output):
        # custom forward logic

class CustomActorCritic(ActorCritic):
    def __init__(
        obs_space: ObsSpace,
        action_space: ActionSpace,
        cfg: Config,
    super().__init__(obs_space, action_space, cfg)

    self.encoder = CustomEncoder(cfg, obs_space)
    self.core = CustomCore(cfg, self.encoder.get_out_size())
    self.decoder = CustomDecoder(cfg, self.core.get_out_size())
    self.critic_linear = nn.Linear(self.decoder.get_out_size())
    self.action_parameterization = self.get_action_parameterization(

    def forward(self, normalized_obs_dict, rnn_states, values_only=False):
        # forward logic

def register_model_components():
    # register custom components with the factory
    # you can register an entire Actor Critic model

    # or individual components

def main():
    """Script entry point."""
    cfg = parse_args()

    status = run_rl(cfg)
    return status

if __name__ == "__main__":


Examples of model customizations can be found in:

  • sf_examples/
  • sf_examples/isaacgym_examples/
  • sf_examples/dmlab/
  • sf_examples/vizdoom/doom/